Although in most states, NJ included, a developmental therapist needs to be licensed and regulated by the State Board and often also by their professional associations, these are not endorsement of their clinical skills. A good therapist may not be the right therapist for your child. A right therapist is one that can provide your child intervention that moves him or her onto the next developmental level at the time he or she is ready for.
Developmental therapists with specialized treatment skills are often able to determine whether a child is appropriate for their particular approach after a comprehensive evaluation. They may also be able to share information with your existing therapists who are providing traditional therapies on best ways to help your child.
When looking for a specialized approach, always find out what level of training your therapist has and their experience in using it with medically complex children. Sometimes, therapists will gravitate towards medically complex children before they are clinically proficient because this is their “area of interest”. In such case, as a parent, you need to ask what kind and level of support are they getting.