The family must fit the number ONE criterion and ANY of the subsequent criteria.

  1. The child has a chronic illness with associated long term disabilities, requiring ongoing therapy. Priorities should be given to those with diagnosis of Infantile Spasm (or childhood epilepsy) and rare genetic disorders.
  2. AND

  3. The family will use the rebate money for an additional session and this additional session is therapeutically important for the child.
  4. The family is currently paying completely out of their own pocket because their insurance does not cover their therapy cost (or has reached the annual coverage limit).
  5. The family is paying out-of-network therapy cost in order to see you.
  6. The family is traveling a long distance, particularly out of state, or from a different country, in order to see you.
  7. The family is a single parent family.

The family is struggling financially and has to cut therapy to cover other basic costs such as food and medical expenses.