Every 3 months, Sammy’s Friends Foundation mails out to each participating therapist or facility an allotted number of Developmental Therapy Coupons. They, in turn, give the coupons to families best fitted and most appropriate according our written guidelines. The families are then instructed to submit their coupon with proof of their therapy payment to Sammy’s Friends Foundation for reimbursement. Currently, we work closely with several Physical, Occupational, and Speech therapists in the New Jersey area. These facilities are approached for their expertise in providing non-conventional developmental therapies and outstanding results to help children reach their potentials.
We have chosen a therapist driven, rebate coupon style momentary assistance program so we can cut down lengthy application process and disperse the fund to needed family quickly. Each coupon is $100, which covers an average of 60-80% out of one individual therapy session’s fee. So far, Sammy’s Friends Foundation has issued more than 40 coupons and helped numerous families.
Parents and healthcare providers can nominate their therapists by writing to or email us. We will contact the therapist or facility and obtain more information. The therapist or facility will then be added onto our participating list and begin to receive therapy coupons..